of the
Motorcycle Riders Association of Western Australia Incorporated
Under the Associations Incorporations Act 2015 of Western Australia
Incorporated 1982
Updated 2021
If mediation results in decision to suspend or expel being revoked 8
Division 2 — Composition of Committee and duties of members 9
Division 3 — Election of committee members and tenure of office 10
Delegation to subcommittees and holders of subsidiary offices 15
Publication by committee members of statements about Association business prohibited 23
Distribution of surplus property on cancellation of incorporation or winding up 23
The name of the association shall be the Motorcycle Riders Association of Western Australia Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as MRAWA.
The objectives of MRAWA are:
To provide and promote a link between motorcyclists, the Government, its instrumentalities, the general public and such body or bodies deemed necessary to serve the aims of the MRAWA.
To support and promote other motorcycling bodies for the betterment of motorcycling.
To promote improved road safety facilities and conditions mainly through road user education, driver awareness and reasonable and practical legislation to protect motorcyclists’ safety on the road and their rights as first class citizens.
To promote and improve the public image of motorcyclists.
To participate in charitable and community services and activities.
Any 10 members personally present (being members entitled to vote under these rules at a general meeting) will constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at a general meeting.
Any 4 committee members constitute a quorum for the conduct of the business of a committee meeting.
MRAWA’S financial year will be the period of 12 months commencing on 1st July and ending on 30th June of each year.
Terms used
Act means the Associations Incorporation Act 2015;
Association means MRAWA and is used interchangeably with the term MRAWA within this constitution;
books, of the Association, includes the following —
a register;
financial records, financial statements or financial reports, however compiled, recorded or stored;
a document;
any other record of information;
Commissioner means the person for the time being designated as the Commissioner under section 153 of the Act;
committee means the management committee of MRAWA; committee meeting means a meeting of the committee; committee member means a member of the committee; financial records includes —
invoices, receipts, orders for the payment of money, bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes, and vouchers; and
documents of prime entry; and
working papers and other documents needed to explain —
the methods by which financial statements are prepared; and
adjustments to be made in preparing financial statements;
financial report, of a tier 2 association or a tier 3 association, has the meaning given in section 63 of the Act;
financial statements means the financial statements in relation to MRAWA required under Part 5 Division 3 of the Act;
financial year, of MRAWA, has the meaning given in rule 2;
general meeting, of MRAWA, means a meeting of MRAWA that all members are entitled to receive notice of and to attend;
member means a person (including a body corporate) who is an ordinary member or an associate member of MRAWA;
MRAWA means Motorcycle Riders Association of Western Australia Incorporated;
ordinary committee member means a committee member who is not an office holder of MRAWA under rule 27(3);
ordinary member means a member with the rights referred to in rule 8(5);
President means the Committee member holding office as the President of MRAWA; register of members means the register of members referred to in section 53 of the Act; rules means these rules of MRAWA, as in force for the time being;
Safety Officer means the Committee member holding office as the safety officer of MRAWA;
secretary means the committee member holding office as the secretary of MRAWA;
special general meeting means a general meeting of the Association other than the annual general meeting;
special resolution means a resolution passed by the members at a general meeting in accordance with section 51 of the Act;
subcommittee means a subcommittee appointed by the committee under rule 48(1)(a);
tier 1 association means an incorporated association to which section 64(1) of the Act applies; tier 2 association means an incorporated association to which section 64(2) of the Act applies; tier 3 association means an incorporated association to which section 64(3) of the Act applies; treasurer means the committee member holding office as the treasurer of MRAWA; Vice–President means the Committee member holding office as the vice–president of MRAWA.
Financial year
The first financial year of the Association is to be the period notified to the Commissioner under section 7(4)(e) or, if relevant, section 29(5)(e) of the Act.
Each subsequent financial year of the Association is the period of 12 months commencing at the termination of the first financial year or the anniversary of that termination.
Not-for-profit body
The property and income of the Association must be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects or purposes of the Association and no part of that property or income may be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, to any member, except in good faith in the promotion of those objects or purposes.
A payment to a member out of the funds of the Association is authorised if it is the reimbursement of reasonable expenses properly incurred by the member on behalf of the Association.
Division 1 — Membership
Eligibility for membership
Any person who supports the objects or purposes of the Association is eligible to apply to become a member.
An individual who has not reached the age of 15 years is not eligible to apply for a class of membership that confers full voting rights.
Applying for membership
A person who wants to become a member must apply in writing or electronic means to the Association.
The application must be signed by the applicant.
Dealing with membership applications
The committee will consider each application for membership of the Association and decide whether to accept or reject the application.
Subject to subrule (3), the committee will consider applications in the order in which they are received by the Association.
The committee may delay its consideration of an application if the committee considers that any matter relating to the application needs to be clarified by the applicant or that the applicant needs to provide further information in support of the application.
The committee must not accept an application unless the applicant —
is eligible under rule 4; and
has applied under rule 5.
The committee may reject an application even if the applicant —
is eligible under rule 4; and
has applied under rule 5.
The committee must notify the applicant of the committee’s decision to accept or reject the application as soon as practicable after making the decision.
If the committee rejects the application, the committee is not required to give the applicant its reasons for doing so.
Becoming a member
An applicant for membership of the Association becomes a member when —
the committee accepts the application; and
the applicant pays any membership fees payable to the Association under rule 12.
Classes of membership
The Association consists of ordinary members.
An ordinary member has full voting rights and any other rights conferred on members by these rules or approved by resolution at a general meeting or determined by the committee.
The number of members of any class is not limited unless otherwise approved by resolution at a general meeting.
When membership ceases
A person ceases to be a member when any of the following takes place —
for a member who is an individual, the individual dies;
for a member who is a body corporate, the body corporate is wound up;
the person resigns from MRAWA under rule 10;
the person is expelled from the MRAWA under rule 15;
the person ceases to be a member under rule 12(4).
The secretary must keep a record, for at least one year after a person ceases to be a member, of —
the date on which the person ceased to be a member; and
the reason why the person ceased to be a member.
A member may resign from membership of the Association by giving written notice of the resignation to the secretary.
The resignation takes effect —
when the secretary receives the notice; or
if a later time is stated in the notice, at that later time.
Rights not transferable
The rights of a member are not transferable and end when membership ceases.
Division 2 — Membership fees
Membership fees
The committee must determine the entrance fee (if any) and the annual membership fee (if any) to be paid for membership of the Association.
The fees determined under subrule (1) may be different for different classes of membership.
A member must pay the annual membership fee to the treasurer, or another person authorised by the committee to accept payments, by the date (the due date) determined by the committee.
If a member has not paid the annual membership fee within the period of 3 months after the due date, the member ceases to be a member on the expiry of that period.
If a person who has ceased to be a member under subrule (4) offers to pay the annual membership fee after the period referred to in that subrule has expired —
the committee may, at its discretion, accept that payment; and
if the payment is accepted, the person’s membership is reinstated from the date the payment is accepted.
All monies collected from memberships, donations, etc, will be paid into the account of the MRAWA. This money will be used to finance the activities of the MRAWA
Division 3 — Register of members
Register of members
The secretary, or another person authorised by the committee, is responsible for the requirements imposed on the Association under section 53 of the Act to maintain the register of members and record in that register any change in the membership of the Association.
In addition to the matters referred to in section 53(2) of the Act, the register of members must include the class of membership (if applicable) to which each member belongs and the date on which each member becomes a member.
The register of members must be kept at the secretary’s place of residence, or at another place determined by the committee.
A member who wishes to inspect the register of members must contact the secretary to make the necessary arrangements.
If —
a member inspecting the register of members wishes to make a copy of, or take an extract from, the register under section 54(2) of the Act; or
a member makes a written request under section 56(1) of the Act to be provided with a copy of the register of members,
the committee may require the member to provide a statutory declaration setting out the purpose for which the copy or extract is required and declaring that the purpose is connected with the affairs of the Association.
Division 1 — Term used
Term used: member
In this Part —
member, in relation to a member who is expelled from MRAWA, includes former member.
Division 2 — Disciplinary action
Suspension or expulsion
The committee may decide to suspend a member’s membership or to expel a member from MRAWA if —
the member contravenes any of these rules; or
the member acts detrimentally to the interests of MRAWA.
The secretary must give the member written notice of the proposed suspension or expulsion at least 28 days before the committee meeting at which the proposal is to be considered by the committee.
The notice given to the member must state —
when and where the committee meeting is to be held; and
the grounds on which the proposed suspension or expulsion is based; and
that the member, or the member’s representative, may attend the meeting and will be given a reasonable opportunity to make written or oral (or both written and oral) submissions to the committee about the proposed suspension or expulsion;
At the committee meeting, the committee must —
give the member, or the member’s representative, a reasonable opportunity to make written or oral (or both written and oral) submissions to the committee about the proposed suspension or expulsion; and
give due consideration to any submissions so made; and
decide —
whether or not to suspend the member’s membership and, if the decision is to suspend the membership, the period of suspension; or
whether or not to expel the member from the Association.
A decision of the committee to suspend the member’s membership or to expel the member from MRAWA takes immediate effect.
The committee must give the member written notice of the committee’s decision, and the reasons for the decision, within 7 days after the committee meeting at which the decision is made.
A member whose membership is suspended or who is expelled from MRAWA may, within 14 days after receiving notice of the Committee’s decision under subrule (6), give written notice to the secretary requesting the appointment of a mediator under rule 23.
If notice is given under subrule (7), the member who gives the notice and the committee are the parties to the mediation.
Consequences of suspension
During the period a member’s membership is suspended, the member —
loses any rights (including voting rights) arising as a result of membership; and
is not entitled to a refund, rebate, relief or credit for membership fees paid, or payable, to MRAWA.
When a member’s membership is suspended, the secretary must record in the register of members —
that the member’s membership is suspended; and
the date on which the suspension takes effect; and
the period of the suspension.
When the period of the suspension ends, the secretary must record in the register of members that the member’s membership is no longer suspended.
Division 3 — Resolving disputes
Terms used
grievance procedure means the procedures set out in this Division;
party to a dispute includes a person –
who is a party to the dispute; and
who ceases to be a member within 6 months before the dispute has come to the attention of each party to the dispute.
Application of Division
The procedure set out in this Division (the grievance procedure) applies to disputes —
between one or more members and the Association.
Parties to attempt to resolve dispute
The parties to a dispute must attempt to resolve the dispute between themselves within 14 days after the dispute has come to the attention of each party.
How grievance procedure is started
If the parties to a dispute are unable to resolve the dispute between themselves within the time required by rule 19, any party to the dispute may start the grievance procedure by giving written notice to the secretary of —
the parties to the dispute; and
the matters that are the subject of the dispute.
Within 28 days after the secretary is given the notice, a committee meeting must be convened to consider and determine the dispute.
The secretary must give each party to the dispute written notice of the committee meeting at which the dispute is to be considered and determined at least 7 days before the meeting is held.
The notice given to each party to the dispute must state —
when and where the committee meeting is to be held; and
that the party, or the party’s representative, may attend the meeting and will be given a reasonable opportunity to make written or oral (or both written and oral) submissions to the committee about the dispute.
If —
the dispute is between one or more members and the Association; and
any party to the dispute gives written notice to the secretary stating that the party
does not agree to the dispute being determined by the committee; and
requests the appointment of a mediator under rule 23, the committee must not determine the dispute.
Determination of dispute by committee
At the committee meeting at which a dispute is to be considered and determined, the committee must —
give each party to the dispute, or the party’s representative, a reasonable opportunity to make written or oral (or both written and oral) submissions to the committee about the dispute; and
give due consideration to any submissions so made; and
determine the dispute.
The committee must give each party to the dispute written notice of the committee’s determination, and the reasons for the determination, within 7 days after the committee meeting at which the determination is made.
A party to the dispute may, within 14 days after receiving notice of the committee’s determination under subrule (1)(c), give written notice to the secretary requesting the appointment of a mediator under rule 23.
If notice is given under subrule (3), each party to the dispute is a party to the mediation.
Division 4 — Mediation
Application of Division
This Division applies if written notice has been given to the secretary requesting the appointment of a mediator —
by a member under rule 15(7); or
by a party to a dispute under rule 20(5)(b)(ii) or 21(3).
If this Division applies, a mediator must be chosen or appointed under rule 23.
Appointment of mediator
The mediator must be a person chosen —
if the appointment of a mediator was requested by a member under rule 15(7) —
by agreement between the Member and the committee; or
if the appointment of a mediator was requested by a party to a dispute under rule 20(5)(b)(ii) or 21(3) — by agreement between the parties to the dispute.
If there is no agreement for the purposes of subrule (1)(a) or (b), then, subject to subrules
and (4), the committee must appoint the mediator.
The person appointed as mediator by the committee must be a person who acts as a mediator for another not-for-profit body, such as a community legal centre, if the appointment of a mediator was requested by —
a member under rule 15(7); or
a party to a dispute under rule 20(5)(b)(ii); or
a party to a dispute under rule 21(3) and the dispute is between one or more members and MRAWA.
The person appointed as mediator by the committee may be a member or former member of MRAWA but must not —
have a personal interest in the matter that is the subject of the mediation; or
be biased in favour of or against any party to the mediation.
Mediation process
The parties to the mediation must attempt in good faith to settle the matter that is the subject of the mediation.
Each party to the mediation must give the mediator a written statement of the issues that need to be considered at the mediation at least 5 days before the mediation takes place.
In conducting the mediation, the mediator must —
give each party to the mediation every opportunity to be heard; and
allow each party to the mediation to give due consideration to any written statement given by another party; and
ensure that natural justice is given to the parties to the mediation throughout the mediation process.
The mediator cannot determine the matter that is the subject of the mediation.
The mediation must be confidential, and any information given at the mediation cannot be used in any other proceedings that take place in relation to the matter that is the subject of the mediation.
The costs of the mediation are to be paid by the party or parties to the mediation that requested the appointment of the mediator.
If mediation results in decision to suspend or expel being revoked
If —
mediation takes place because a member whose membership is suspended or who is expelled from MRAWA gives notice under rule 15(7); and
as the result of the mediation, the decision to suspend the member’s membership or expel the member is revoked,
that revocation does not affect the validity of any decision made at a committee meeting or general meeting during the period of suspension or expulsion.
Division 1 — Powers of Committee
The committee members are the persons who, as the management committee of the Association, have the power to manage the affairs of the Association.
Subject to the Act, these rules, the by-laws (if any) and any resolution passed at a general meeting, the committee has power to do all things necessary or convenient to be done for the proper management of the affairs of the Association.
The committee must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Association complies with the Act, these rules and the by-laws (if any).
Subjects that must be decided by a majority of the committee members:
The official colours and logo of MRAWA must be approved by a majority at an annual general meeting of MRAWA such that they shall be made uniform as to comply with the standards and specifications set by MRAWA.
Any official MRAWA merchandising must not be changed, added to, or modified in any way unless those changes are endorsed by the majority of committee members.
Division 2 — Composition of Committee and duties of members
Committee members
The committee members consist of —
the office holders of MRAWA; and
at least one ordinary committee member.
The committee must determine the maximum number of members who may be ordinary committee members.
The following are the office holders of the Association —
the President;
the Vice president;
the Secretary; and
the Treasurer.
A person may be a committee member if the person is —
an individual who has reached 18 years of age; and
an ordinary member who has been active within MRAWA for a period of not less than one year, unless otherwise endorsed by the committee.
A person may be an office holder who is an active general committee member for a period of not less than one year, unless otherwise endorsed by the current committee.
A person must not hold 2 or more of the offices mentioned in subrule (3) at the same time.
It is the duty of the president to consult with the secretary regarding the business to be conducted at each committee meeting and general meeting.
The president has the powers and duties relating to convening and presiding at committee meetings and presiding at general meetings provided for in these rules.
The Secretary has the following duties —
dealing with the Association’s correspondence;
consulting with the president regarding the business to be conducted at each committee meeting and general meeting;
preparing the notices required for meetings and for the business to be conducted at meetings;
unless another member is authorised by the committee to do so, maintaining on behalf of the Association the register of members, and recording in the register any changes in the membership, as required under section 53(1) of the Act;
maintaining on behalf of the Association an up-to-date copy of these rules, as required under section 35(1) of the Act;
unless another member is authorised by the committee to do so, maintaining on behalf of the Association a record of committee members and other persons authorised to act on behalf of the Association, as required under section 58(2) of the Act;
ensuring the safe custody of the books of the Association, other than the financial records, financial statements and financial reports, as applicable to the Association;
maintaining full and accurate minutes of committee meetings and general meetings;
carrying out any other duty given to the secretary under these rules or by the committee.
The Treasurer has the following duties —
ensuring that any amounts payable to the Association are collected and issuing receipts for those amounts in the Association’s name;
ensuring that any amounts paid to the Association are credited to the appropriate account of the Association, as directed by the committee;
ensuring that any payments to be made by the Association that have been authorised by the committee or at a general meeting are made on time;
ensuring that the Association complies with the relevant requirements of Part 5 of the Act;
ensuring the safe custody of the Association’s financial records, financial statements and financial reports, as applicable to the Association;
if the Association is a tier 1 association, coordinating the preparation of the Association’s financial statements before their submission to the Association’s annual general meeting;
if the Association is a tier 2 association or tier 3 association, coordinating the preparation of the Association’s financial report before its submission to the Association’s annual general meeting;
providing any assistance required by an auditor or reviewer conducting an audit or review of the Association’s financial statements or financial report under Part 5 Division 5 of the Act;
carrying out any other duty given to the treasurer under these rules or by the committee.
Division 3 — Election of committee members and tenure of office
How members become Committee members
A member becomes a committee member if the member —
is elected to the committee at a general meeting; or
is appointed to the committee by the committee to fill a casual vacancy under rule 36.
Nomination of committee members
At least 42 days before an annual general meeting, the secretary must send written notice to all the members —
calling for nominations for election to the committee; and
stating the date by which nominations must be received by the secretary to comply with subrule (2).
A member who wishes to be considered for election to the committee at the annual general meeting must nominate for election by sending written notice of the nomination to the secretary at least 28 days before the annual general meeting.
The written notice must include a statement by another member in support of the nomination.
A member may nominate for one specified position of office holder of the Association or to be an ordinary committee member.
A member whose nomination does not comply with this rule is not eligible for election to the committee unless the member is nominated under rule 33(2) or 34(2)(b).
Election of office holders
At the annual general meeting, a separate election must be held for each position of office holder of the Association.
If there is no nomination for a position, the chairperson of the meeting may appoint a suitable person from the ordinary members present at the meeting.
If only one member has nominated for a position, the president of the meeting must declare the Member elected to the position.
If more than one member has nominated for a position, the ordinary members at the meeting must vote in accordance with procedures that have been determined by the committee to decide who is to be elected to the position.
Each ordinary member present at the meeting may vote for one member who has nominated for the position.
A member who has nominated for the position may vote for himself or herself.
On the member’s election, the new president of the Association may take over as the chairperson of the meeting.
Election of ordinary committee members
At the annual general meeting, the Association must decide by resolution the number of ordinary committee members (if any) to hold office for the next year.
If the number of members nominating for the position of ordinary committee member is not greater than the number to be elected, the president of the meeting —
must declare each of those members to be elected to the position; and
may call for further nominations from the ordinary members at the meeting to fill any positions remaining unfilled after the elections under paragraph (a).
If —
the number of members nominating for the position of ordinary committee member is greater than the number to be elected; or
the number of members nominating under subrule (2)(b) is greater than the number of positions remaining unfilled,
the ordinary members at the meeting must vote in accordance with procedures that have been determined by the committee to decide the members who are to be elected to the position of ordinary committee member.
A member who has nominated for the position of ordinary committee member may vote in accordance with that nomination.
Term of office
The term of office of a committee member begins when the member —
is elected at an annual general meeting or under subrule 36(3)(b); or
is appointed to fill a casual vacancy under rule 38.
Subject to rule 35, a committee member holds office until the positions on the committee are declared vacant at the next annual general meeting.
A committee member may be re-elected.
Resignation and removal from office
A committee member may resign from the committee by written notice given to the secretary or, if the resigning member is the secretary, given to the president.
The resignation takes effect —
when the notice is received by the secretary or president; or
if a later time is stated in the notice, at the later time.
At a general meeting, the Association may by resolution —
remove a committee member from office; and
elect a member who is eligible under rule 27(4) to fill the vacant position.
A committee member who is the subject of a proposed resolution under subrule (3)(a) may make written representations (of a reasonable length) to the secretary or president and may ask that the representations be provided to the members.
The secretary or president may give a copy of the representations to each member or, if they are not so given, the committee member may require them to be read out at the general meeting at which the resolution is to be considered.
When membership of committee ceases
A person ceases to be a committee member if the person —
dies or otherwise ceases to be a member; or
resigns from the committee or is removed from office under rule 36; or
becomes ineligible to accept an appointment or act as a committee member under section 39 of the Act;
becomes permanently unable to act as a committee member because of a mental or physical disability; or
fails to attend 3 consecutive Committee meetings, of which the person has been given notice, without having notified the Committee that the person will be unable to attend.
Filling casual vacancies
The committee may appoint a member who is eligible under rule 27(4) to fill a position on the committee that —
has become vacant under rule 37; or
was not filled by election at the most recent annual general meeting or under rule 36(3)(b).
If the position of secretary becomes vacant, the committee must appoint a member who is eligible under rule 27(4) to fill the position within 14 days after the vacancy arises.
Subject to the requirement for a quorum under rule 42, the committee may continue to act despite any vacancy in its membership.
If there are fewer committee members than required for a quorum under rule 45, the committee may act only for the purpose of —
appointing committee members under this rule; or
convening a general meeting.
Validity of acts
The acts of a committee or subcommittee, or of a committee member or member of a subcommittee, are valid despite any defect that may afterwards be discovered in the election, appointment or qualification of a committee member or member of a subcommittee.
Payments to committee members
In this rule —
committee member includes a member of a subcommittee;
committee meeting includes a meeting of a subcommittee.
A committee member is entitled to be paid out of the funds of MRAWA for any out-of- pocket expenses for travel and accommodation properly incurred —
in attending a committee meeting or
in attending a general meeting; or
otherwise in connection with MRAWA’s business.
Division 4 — Committee meetings
Committee meetings
The committee must meet at least 3 times in each year on the dates and at the times and places determined by the committee.
The date, time and place of the first committee meeting must be determined by the committee members as soon as practicable after the annual general meeting at which the committee members are elected.
Special committee meetings may be convened by the president or any 2 committee members.
Notice of committee meetings
Notice of each committee meeting must be given to each committee member at least 48 hours before the time of the meeting.
The notice must state the date, time and place of the meeting and must describe the general nature of the business to be conducted at the meeting.
Unless subrule (4) applies, the only business that may be conducted at the meeting is the business described in the notice.
Urgent business that has not been described in the notice may be conducted at the meeting if the committee members at the meeting unanimously agree to treat that business as urgent.
Procedure and order of business
The president or, in the president’s absence, the vice-president must preside as chairperson of each committee meeting.
If the president and vice president are absent or are unwilling to act as president of a meeting, the committee members at the meeting must choose one of them to act as president of the meeting.
The procedure to be followed at a committee meeting must be determined from time to time by the committee.
The order of business at a committee meeting may be determined by the committee members at the meeting.
A member or other person who is not a committee member may attend a committee meeting if invited to do so by the committee.
A person invited under subrule (5) to attend a committee meeting —
has no right to any agenda, minutes or other document circulated at the meeting; and
must not comment about any matter discussed at the meeting unless invited by the committee to do so; and
cannot vote on any matter that is to be decided at the meeting.
Use of technology to be present at committee meetings
The presence of a committee member at a committee meeting need not be by attendance in person but may be by that committee member and each other committee member at the meeting being simultaneously in contact by telephone or other means of instantaneous communication.
A member who participates in a committee meeting as allowed under subrule (1) is taken to be present at the meeting and, if the member votes at the meeting, the member is taken to have voted in person.
Quorum for committee meetings
Subject to rule 38(4), no business is to be conducted at a committee meeting unless a quorum is present.
If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes after the notified commencement time of a committee meeting —
in the case of a special meeting — the meeting lapses; or
otherwise, the meeting is adjourned to the same time, day and place in the following week.
If —
a quorum is not present within 30 minutes after the commencement time of a committee meeting held under subrule (2)(b); and
at least 2 committee members are present at the meeting, those members present are taken to constitute a quorum.
Voting at committee meetings
Each committee member present at a committee meeting has one vote on any question arising at the meeting.
A motion is carried if a majority of the committee members present at the committee meeting vote in favour of the motion.
If the votes are divided equally on a question, the president of the meeting has a second or casting vote.
A vote may take place by the committee members present indicating their agreement or disagreement or by a show of hands, unless the committee decides that a secret ballot is needed to determine a particular question.
If a secret ballot is needed, the president of the meeting must decide how the ballot is to be conducted.
Minutes of committee meetings
The committee must ensure that minutes are taken and kept of each committee meeting.
The minutes must record the following —
the names of the committee members present at the meeting;
the name of any person attending the meeting under rule 43(5);
the business considered at the meeting;
any motion on which a vote is taken at the meeting and the result of the vote.
The minutes of a committee meeting must be entered in the Association’s minute book
within 30 days after the meeting is held.
The president must ensure that the minutes of a committee meeting are reviewed and signed as correct by —
the president of the meeting; or
the president of the next committee meeting.
When the minutes of a committee meeting have been signed as correct they are, until the contrary is proved, evidence that —
the meeting to which the minutes relate was duly convened and held; and
the matters recorded as having taken place at the meeting took place as recorded; and
any appointment purportedly made at the meeting was validly made.
Division 5 — Subcommittees and subsidiary offices
Subcommittees and subsidiary offices
To help the committee in the conduct of the Association’s business, the committee may,
in writing, do either or both of the following —
appoint one or more subcommittees;
create one or more subsidiary offices and appoint people to those offices.
A subcommittee may consist of the number of people, whether or not members, that the committee considers appropriate.
A person may be appointed to a subsidiary office whether or not the person is a member.
Subject to any directions given by the committee —
a subcommittee may meet and conduct business as it considers appropriate; and
the holder of a subsidiary office may carry out the functions given to the holder as the holder considers appropriate.
Delegation to subcommittees and holders of subsidiary offices
In this rule —
non-delegable duty means a duty imposed on the committee by the Act or another written law.
The committee may, in writing, delegate to a subcommittee or the holder of a subsidiary office the exercise of any power or the performance of any duty of the committee other than —
the power to delegate; and
a non-delegable duty.
A power or duty, the exercise or performance of which has been delegated to a subcommittee or the holder of a subsidiary office under this rule, may be exercised or performed by the subcommittee or holder in accordance with the terms of the delegation.
The delegation may be made subject to any conditions, qualifications, limitations or exceptions that the committee specifies in the document by which the delegation is made.
The delegation does not prevent the committee from exercising or performing at any time the power or duty delegated.
Any act or thing done by a subcommittee or by the holder of a subsidiary office, under the delegation has the same force and effect as if it had been done by the committee.
The committee may, in writing, amend or revoke the delegation.
Annual general meeting
The committee must determine the date, time and place of the annual general meeting.
If it is proposed to hold the annual general meeting more than 6 months after the end of the Association’s financial year, the secretary must apply to the Commissioner for permission under section 47(3)(b) of the Act within 4 months after the end of the financial year.
The ordinary business of the annual general meeting is as follows —
to confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting and of any special general meeting held since then if the minutes of that meeting have not yet been confirmed;
to receive and consider —
the committee’s annual report on the Association’s activities during the preceding financial year; and
if the Association is a tier 1 association, the financial statements of the Association for the preceding financial year presented under Part 5 of the Act; and
if the Association is a tier 2 association or a tier 3 association, the financial report of the Association for the preceding financial year presented under Part 5 of the Act;
if required to be presented for consideration under Part 5 of the Act, a copy of the report of the review or auditor’s report on the financial statements or financial report;
to elect the office holders of the Association and other committee members;
if applicable, to appoint or remove a reviewer or auditor of the Association in accordance with the Act;
to confirm or vary the entrance fees, subscriptions and other amounts (if any) to be paid by members.
Any other business of which notice has been given in accordance with these rules may be conducted at the annual general meeting.
Special general meetings
The committee may convene a special general meeting.
The committee must convene a special general meeting if at least 20% of the members require a special general meeting to be convened.
The members requiring a special general meeting to be convened must —
make the requirement by written notice given to the secretary; and
state in the notice the business to be considered at the meeting; and
each sign the notice.
The special general meeting must be convened within 28 days after notice is given under subrule (3)(a).
If the committee does not convene a special general meeting within that 28 day period, the members making the requirement (or any of them) may convene the special general meeting.
A special general meeting convened by members under subrule (5) —
must be held within 3 months after the date the original requirement was made; and
may only consider the business stated in the notice by which the requirement was made.
The Association must reimburse any reasonable expenses incurred by the members convening a special general meeting under subrule (5).
Notice of general meetings
The secretary or, in the case of a special general meeting convened under rule 51(5), the members convening the meeting, must give to each member —
at least 21 days’ notice of a general meeting if a special resolution is to be proposed at the meeting; or
at least 14 days’ notice of a general meeting in any other case.
The notice must —
specify the date, time and place of the meeting; and
indicate the general nature of each item of business to be considered at the meeting; and
if the meeting is the annual general meeting, include the names of the members who have nominated for election to the committee under rule 32(2); and
if a special resolution is proposed —
set out the wording of the proposed resolution as required by section 51(4) of the Act; and
state that the resolution is intended to be proposed as a special resolution; and
comply with rule 53(7).
Subject to subrule (2), an ordinary member may appoint an individual who is an ordinary member as his or her proxy to vote and speak on his or her behalf at a general meeting.
An ordinary member may be appointed the proxy for not more than 5 other members.
The appointment of a proxy must be in writing and signed by the member making the appointment.
The member appointing the proxy may give specific directions as to how the proxy is to vote on his or her behalf.
If no instructions are given to the proxy, the proxy may vote on behalf of the member in any matter as the proxy sees fit.
If the committee has approved a form for the appointment of a proxy, the member may use that form or any other form —
that clearly identifies the person appointed as the member's proxy; and
that has been signed by the member.
Notice of a general meeting given to an ordinary member under rule 52 must —
state that the member may appoint an individual who is an ordinary member as a proxy for the meeting; and
include a copy of any form that the committee has approved for the appointment of a proxy.
A form appointing a proxy must be given to the secretary before the commencement of the general meeting for which the proxy is appointed.
A form appointing a proxy sent by post or electronically is of no effect unless it is received by the Association not later than 24 hours before the commencement of the meeting.
Use of technology to be present at general meetings
(1) The presence of a member at a general meeting must be by attendance in person.
Presiding member and quorum for general meetings
The president or, in the president’s absence, the vice president must preside as chairperson of each general meeting.
If the president and vice president are absent or are unwilling to act as president of a general meeting, the committee members at the meeting must choose one of them to act as president of the meeting.
No business is to be conducted at a general meeting unless a quorum is present.
If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes after the notified commencement time of a general meeting —
in the case of a special general meeting — the meeting lapses; or
in the case of the annual general meeting — the meeting is adjourned to —
the same time and day in the following week; and
the same place, unless the president specifies another place at the time of the adjournment or written notice of another place is given to the members before the day to which the meeting is adjourned.
If —
a quorum is not present within 30 minutes after the commencement time of an annual general meeting held under subrule (4)(b); and
at least 2 ordinary members are present at the meeting, those members present are taken to constitute a quorum.
Adjournment of general meeting
The president of a general meeting at which a quorum is present may, with the consent of a majority of the ordinary members present at the meeting, adjourn the meeting to another time at the same place or at another place.
Without limiting subrule (1), a meeting may be adjourned —
if there is insufficient time to deal with the business at hand; or
to give the members more time to consider an item of business.
No business may be conducted on the resumption of an adjourned meeting other than the business that remained unfinished when the meeting was adjourned.
Notice of the adjournment of a meeting under this rule is not required unless the meeting is adjourned for 14 days or more, in which case notice of the meeting must be given in accordance with rule 52.
Voting at general meeting
On any question arising at a general meeting —
subject to subrule (6), each ordinary member has one vote unless the member may also vote on behalf of a body corporate under subrule (2); and
ordinary members may vote personally or by proxy.
An ordinary member that is a body corporate may, in writing, appoint an individual, whether or not the individual is a member, to vote on behalf of the body corporate on any question at a particular general meeting or at any general meeting, as specified in the document by which the appointment is made.
A copy of the document by which the appointment is made must be given to the secretary before any general meeting to which the appointment applies.
The appointment has effect until —
the end of any general meeting to which the appointment applies; or
the appointment is revoked by the body corporate and written notice of the revocation is given to the secretary.
Except in the case of a special resolution, a motion is carried if a majority of the ordinary members present at a general meeting vote in favour of the motion.
If votes are divided equally on a question, the president of the meeting has a second or casting vote.
If the question is whether or not to confirm the minutes of a previous general meeting, only members who were present at that meeting may vote.
For a person to be eligible to vote at a general meeting as an ordinary member, or on behalf of an ordinary member that is a body corporate under subrule (2), the ordinary member —
must have been an ordinary member at the time notice of the meeting was given under rule 52; and
must have paid any fee or other money payable to the Association by the member.
When special resolutions are required
A special resolution is required if it is proposed at a general meeting —
to affiliate MRAWA with another body; or
to request the Commissioner to apply to the State Administrative Tribunal under section 109 of the Act for the appointment of a statutory manager.
Subrule (1) does not limit the matters in relation to which a special resolution may be proposed.
Determining whether resolution carried
In this rule —
poll means the process of voting in relation to a matter that is conducted in writing.
Subject to subrule (4), the President of a general meeting may, on the basis of general agreement or disagreement or by a show of hands, declare that a resolution has been —
carried; or
carried unanimously; or
carried by a particular majority; or
If the resolution is a special resolution, the declaration under subrule (2) must identify the resolution as a special resolution.
If a poll is demanded on any question by the President of the meeting or by at least 3 other ordinary members present in person or by proxy —
the poll must be taken at the meeting in the manner determined by the chairperson;
the chairperson must declare the determination of the resolution on the basis of the poll.
If a poll is demanded on the election of the President or on a question of an adjournment, the poll must be taken immediately.
If a poll is demanded on any other question, the poll must be taken before the close of the meeting at a time determined by the President.
A declaration under subrule (2) or (4) must be entered in the minutes of the meeting, and the entry is, without proof of the voting in relation to the resolution, evidence of how the resolution was determined.
Minutes of general meeting
The secretary, or a person authorised by the committee from time to time, must take and keep minutes of each general meeting.
The minutes must record the business considered at the meeting, any resolution on which a vote is taken and the result of the vote.
In addition, the minutes of each annual general meeting must record —
the names of the ordinary members attending the meeting; and
any proxy forms given to the president of the meeting under rule 53(8); and
the financial statements or financial report presented at the meeting, as referred to in rule 50(3)(b)(ii) or (iii); and
any report of the review or auditor’s report on the financial statements or financial
report presented at the meeting, as referred to in rule 50(3)(b)(iv).
The minutes of a general meeting must be entered in the MRAWA’s minute book within
30 days after the meeting is held.
The president must ensure that the minutes of a general meeting are reviewed and signed as correct by —
the president of the meeting; or
the president of the next general meeting.
When the minutes of a general meeting have been signed as correct they are, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, taken to be proof that —
the meeting to which the minutes relate was duly convened and held; and
the matters recorded as having taken place at the meeting took place as recorded; and
any election or appointment purportedly made at the meeting was validly made.
Source of funds
The funds of the Association may be derived from entrance fees, annual subscriptions, donations, fund-raising activities, grants, interest and any other sources approved by the committee.
Control of funds
The Association must open an account in the name of the Association with a financial institution from which all expenditure of the Association is made and into which all funds received by the Association are deposited.
Subject to any restrictions imposed at a general meeting, the committee may approve expenditure on behalf of the Association.
The committee may authorise the treasurer to expend funds on behalf of the Association up to a specified limit without requiring approval from the committee for each item on which the funds are expended.
All cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes and other negotiable instruments of the Association must be signed by —
2 committee members; or
one committee member and a person authorised by the committee.
All funds of the Association must be deposited into the Association’s account within 5
working days after their receipt.
Financial statements and financial reports
For each financial year, the committee must ensure that the requirements imposed on the Association under Part 5 of the Act relating to the financial statements or financial report of the Association are met.
Without limiting subrule (1), those requirements include —
if the Association is a tier 1 association, the preparation of the financial statements; and
if the Association is a tier 2 association or tier 3 association, the preparation of the financial report; and
if required, the review or auditing of the financial statements or financial report, as applicable; and
the presentation to the annual general meeting of the financial statements or financial report, as applicable; and
if required, the presentation to the annual general meeting of the copy of the report of the review or auditor’s report, as applicable, on the financial statements or financial report.
The Association may, by resolution at a general meeting, make, amend or revoke by-laws.
By-laws may —
provide for the rights and obligations that apply to any classes of associate membership approved under rule 8(2); and
impose restrictions on the committee’s powers, including the power to dispose of the association’s assets; and
impose requirements relating to the financial reporting and financial accountability
of the association and the auditing of the association’s accounts; and
provide for any other matter the association considers necessary or convenient to be dealt with in the by-laws.
A by-law is of no effect to the extent that it is inconsistent with the Act, the regulations or these rules.
Without limiting subrule (3), a by-law made for the purposes of subrule (2)(c) may only impose requirements on MRAWA that are additional to, and do not restrict, a requirement imposed on MRAWA under Part 5 of the Act.
At the request of a member, MRAWA must make a copy of the by-laws available for inspection by the member.
Executing documents and common seal
MRAWA may execute a document without using a common seal if the document is signed by —
2 committee members; or
one committee member and a person authorised by the committee.
If MRAWA has a common seal —
the name of MRAWA must appear in legible characters on the common seal; and
a document may only be sealed with the common seal by the authority of the committee and in the presence of —
2 committee members; or
one committee member and a person authorised by the committee,
and each of them is to sign the document to attest that the document was sealed in their presence.
The secretary must make a written record of each use of the common seal.
The common seal must be kept in the custody of the secretary or another committee member authorised by the committee.
Giving notices to members
In this rule —
recorded means recorded in the register of members.
A notice or other document that is to be given to a member under these rules is taken not to have been given to the member unless it is in writing and —
delivered by hand to the recorded address of the member; or
sent by prepaid post to the recorded postal address of the member; or
sent by facsimile or electronic transmission to an appropriate recorded number or recorded electronic address of the member.
Custody of books and securities
Subject to subrule (2), the books and any securities of MRAWA must be kept in the
secretary’s custody or under the secretary’s control.
The financial records and, as applicable, the financial statements or financial reports of MRAWA must be kept in the treasurer’s custody or under the treasurer’s control.
Subrules (1) and (2) have effect except as otherwise decided by the committee.
The books of the Association must be retained for at least 7 years.
Record of office holders
The record of committee members and other persons authorised to act on behalf of MRAWA that is required to be maintained under section 58(2) of the Act must be kept in the secretary’s custody or under the secretary’s control.
Inspection of records and documents
Subrule (2) applies to a member who wants to inspect —
the register of members under section 54(1) of the Act; or
the record of the names and addresses of committee members, and other persons authorised to act on behalf of the Association, under section 58(3) of the Act; or
any other record or document of the association.
The member must contact the secretary to make the necessary arrangements for the inspection.
The inspection must be free of charge.
If the member wants to inspect a document that records the minutes of a committee meeting, the right to inspect that document is subject to any decision the committee has made about minutes of committee meetings generally, or the minutes of a specific committee meeting, being available for inspection by members.
The member may make a copy of or take an extract from a record or document referred to in subrule (1)(c) but does not have a right to remove the record or document for that purpose.
The member must not use or disclose information in a record or document referred to in subrule (1)(c) except for a purpose —
that is directly connected with the affairs of the Association; or
that is related to complying with a requirement of the Act.
Publication by committee members of statements about Association business prohibited A committee member must not publish, or cause to be published, any statement about the business conducted by the Association at a general meeting or committee meeting unless —
the committee member has been authorised to do so at a committee meeting; and
the authority given to the committee member has been recorded in the minutes of the committee meeting at which it was given.
Distribution of surplus property on cancellation of incorporation or winding up
In this rule —
surplus property, in relation to MRAWA, means property remaining after satisfaction of
the debts and liabilities of the Association; and
the costs, charges and expenses of winding up or cancelling the incorporation of the Association,
but does not include books relating to the management of the Association.
On the cancellation of the incorporation or the winding up of MRAWA, its surplus property must be distributed as determined by special resolution by reference to the persons mentioned in section 24(1) of the Act.
Alteration of rules
If MRAWA wants to alter or rescind any of these rules, or to make additional rules, MRAWA may do so only by special resolution and by otherwise complying with Part 3 Division 2 of the Act.