Ride to Gin Gin 31st May Report

Our Ride to Gingin was a bit of a shaky start for one of the riders, who sputtered to a standstill just out of sight of Gingers Roadhouse, but he managed to arrive before "stands up" (he kept his promise!). With pleasant weather conditions,12 riders on 10 motorcycles took to the road northwards (ish). The route up Railway Parade, Neaves rd., then onto Old Yanchep rd. was a nice start. The resurfacing of Old Yanchep rd.

Heavy Traffic

After passing the turn-off to Barbagallo Raceway is a great improvement, & traffic was light & sensible. On Wanneroo rd., however, the long weekend traffic was showing its true colours – camper trailers in tow without functioning tail lights just one example – reminding us to stay alert while enjoying a good scoot. Onto Military rd. & then Gingin Brook rd. took us to the CU@Café in Gingin, where most partook in a feed & hot/cold bevvie

of choice, & a fair bit of gas bagging, in the outdoor seating area & the parking lot.

With the sun shining, it was off towards Bindoon were a few riders were

Expecting another(?) bite to eat, but had to settle for the fuel stations menu selection as the Bakehaus was closed (I guess it would have been prudent to

Check their opening hours/days beforehand). After a bit more chatter, the ride continued, with a couple of riders heading off home straight down the G.N.Hwy., the rest slipping onto Chittering rd., then Chittering Valley rd., where

we enjoyed a drive-thru bike wash, courtesy of Mother Nature, with the bonus of chasing the brilliant arc of full rainbows, yet never catching up with them!

See ya Later

The free wash continued upon returning to the G.N.Hwy. at Bullsbrook, but Petering out once passing the endpoint of the ride (Gingers Roadhouse).

A toot of the horn & wave signalling "see ya later" as we split up to our respective destinations. I hope that the Guys & Gals that partook in this little excursion enjoyed the ride & the company, I know we did!

Chris M.

ride to gingin


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