June 2011

Hi Guys, Well winter is finally arrived and I hope you are still getting out and about on your bikes and keeping dry. There is some great wet weather riding jackets and pants on the market at the moment that work very well. Mostof the jackets I have seen have body armor and most have removable waterproof lining and removable thermallining s so they will keep you warm, dry and protected and you will only need one jacket for all year round use. You can pay a lot of money for good quality clothing put you don’t have to, there are some very good jackets and pants on the market as reasonable prices, so shop around for the best deal but check the quality and features of the garment to get the best for your money. For a reference on the quality of clothing have a read of the booklet The Good Gear Guide for Motorcycle and Scooter riders. This should be available from your local bike shop or from any licensing centre but if all that fails contact me and I will get a copy to you and I always have copies at our general meeting.I got a phone call last week from one of our member who had applied to the Water Authority’s appointedemployment agency for a job as a water metre reader, which involves parking your vehicle and walking around afew streets with a small hand held reader recording numbers off meters. You would think a scooter would be ideal(that is the only form of transport this guy has) after all scooter are economical, easy to park and have aenvironmental advantage but our friend was told they would not give him a job because he was going to use ascooter and not a car. Now I do not believe that would be the Water Authority’s policy and advised him to get thatclarified directly from the Water Authority and not their employment agent. This would be a very discriminativestance if it were the case and we will be fighting this on those ground if it is their policy to deny employmentopportunities based on your choice of transport. I do believe that Australian Post have proven that scooters andsmall motorcycles are very efficient at this sort of work and the Water Authority should be encouraging the use ofthese vehicles. One of the main aims of the Motorcycle Riders Association of W.A.is the protection of riders rightsand we will fight any organization that attempts to erode our rights and freedom.On a different note I would like to send a get well to a few of our members that recovering. As some of you willknow George Petley and Colin Hewitt had an accident on the way to Jurien Bay. I would like to give a big thank youto all the guys who were at the scene who all worked so well to get the guys help and administered first aid.      Both George and Colin where air lifted from Moora Hospital to RPH, Colin is now back at work and has a new bikebut Georges injuries were more serious, he has some head injuries and after a long stay in RPH has now beentransferred to Bentley Hospital and I know that I speak for all MRA members and wish George a speedy and fullrecovery. Also our Secretary Lyn Simpson has had a knee operation and that is why you have missed her at the lastfew meetings but she is now the new improved Lyn and we will have her back at the next meeting.As I mentioned in the last edge the AGM is to be held next month and I would like to thank all the previouscommittee for the great work that they have put in over the past year. I think that in the last couple of years wehave made e real difference to riders rights and safety and I think now that we have that forward momentum weneed to keep the throttle fully open but we do need your help to do this so please consider joining our team andtogether we can and will get a better deal for all riders.Cheers Dave


June 2011


April 2011